Vote Tuesday, November 3rd
Tom Neafcy
for State Representative
Donate Please Support Tom’s Campaign by making checks payable to: Friends of Tom Neafcy, 103 W. Linfield Trappe Rd., Limerick, PA 19468 Vote By Mail
Vote Tuesday,
November 3rd
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Tom Neafcy
Leadership We Can Count On
Limerick Township Roots
Tom Neafcy has lived in the 146th District for more than 35 years. He attended Perkiomen Valley High School, Montgomery County Community College, and Ursinus College. He and his wife, Kathy, reside in Limerick Township with their son Tyler.
Efficient Public Servant
As Limerick Township Supervisor, Tom leads one of the most efficient local offices in Pennsylvania. He oversees the development and implementation of a $31 million budget while maintaining zero township debt.
Proven Community Leader
During his time in government, Tom has volunteered on many teams and projects, including the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission, the Grant Writing Committee, the Zoning Hearing Board, and the Emergency Management Team.
Growing Limerick Township
As Supervisor, Tom Neafcy has continuously strived to improve Limerick Township in every way possible. He made sure Limerick Township was one of safest communities in America and is working to make Limerick Township a leader in parks and open space preservation.
Tom Neafcy’s